Port of Gdansk


Antiterrorist exercises at the Port of Gdansk

The visit of the Consulate delegation

Families get-together picnic party at the port

Autologistics Central Europe 2005

Antiterrorist exercises at the Port of Gdansk

Transport Logistic 2005

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The construction of Border Veterinary Inspection Post



Antiterrorist exercises at the Port of Gdansk


"A towing boat on its way back from the drilling platform had been taken over by unknown assailants. The situation was further deteriorated due to the fact that the towing boat was carrying pyrotechnic materials. Moreover, the hijackers managed to plant boxes filled with explosives on board the boat. The towing boat took the course towards the Northern Port..."

"...The towing boat was rescued by the Police and Border Guard antiterrorist troops. As informed by one of the hijackers, the target of the assault was the Liquid Fuels Terminal infrastructure, as well as the traffic monitoring centre - the Harbour Master's Office. The isolation measures that had been taken by the Port of Gdansk Security Guards coupled by the evacuation and search of the facility effected by the Port Fire Brigade, revealed chemicals and explosives having been planted at the Harbour Master's Office tower. Fire fighters neutralized the poisonous substance, whilst the police pyrotechnics experts disarmed the bomb. On board the moored tanker ship, however, there had been an explosion that caused a blaze and oil spillage. The immediate rescue action taken by the combined forces of the Port Fire Brigade Florian, Maritime Fire and Rescue Services and the State Fire Brigade turned out a success. The fire was put out and the spillage secured by means of a protective barrier, whereas those suffering minor injuries received medical care."

This horrifying news is merely a report on the exercises that were implemented on June 16 at the Port of Gdansk. The event was an integral part of the military exercises of the Pomeranian Military District under the codename TOPAZ - 05, that were taking place on June 13-18, 2005. The focus of the exercises at the Port of Gdansk was "Planning and managing the logistics support of operational troops during the allied operations on the territory of Poland. Protection of troops and facilities of particular importance for the defence by the security forces and the Territorial Defence in cooperation with operational troops and the non-military system".

The exercises conducted on the grounds of the seaport in Gdansk were aimed at examining the capability of port services to response to emergency situations.

The exercises involved the military and police forces, as well as non-military services deployed in the Tricity.