DCT Gdansk for the New Year18.12.2008 At the year's turn, DCT Gdansk SA enters another phase in its development as in December, Maersk Line relocated its operations here from Gdynia. As DCT is preparing for significant growth in container turnover, it has started operating three new rubber tyred gantry cranes (RTGs) supplied by Liebherr, in addition to other five already operating cranes. Each unit has the capacity to span seven rows of containers in five-high piles, and to handle, at the same time, a truck exchange lane. These cranes, which operate around the quayside and storage yards, enable the storage of up to 20,000 TEUs in export and import fields. Their operating capacity at DCT Gdansk is coupled by three ship-to-shore cranes (STS), which have already been tested during the handling operation performed at a rate of 40 containers per crane per hour. Stevedores trained to operate the cranes can exceed the benchmark of 100 container moves per hour. In anticipation of the expected growth in turnover, DCT has also placed an order for new reach-stackers, container trucks, trailers and forklift trucks. DCT Gdansk CEO Boris Wenzel and General Manager Fred Kamperman agree that the ship handling rate coupled by the technological advancement of suprastructure will guarantee that clients receive the highest quality standard of services.