Port of Gdansk


Press conference - "Port of Gdansk - XXI Century"

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Press conference - "Port of Gdansk - XXI Century"

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Press conference - "Port of Gdansk - XXI Century"


On 10 October this year, at the headquarters of the Port of Gdansk Authority SA, a press conference was held dedicated to the Port of Gdansk new development strategy entitled "Port of Gdansk - XXI Century". During the conference, the President of the PGA SA Board of Directors - Stanislaw Cora, PhD presented the following conditions enabling rapid development of the Gdansk port and to create a new vision of the port:

  • the location within the Trans-European Transport Network No 6 connecting Scandinavia with Southern and Eastern Europe;
  • the availability of EU funds for upgrading road and rail infrastructure to meet port's expansion needs;
  • the guaranteed funding and completion of investments related to improving access infrastructure to the port which will enable the PGA SA to progress to the next development phase;
  • the project providing for "the motorways of the sea" with their route starting in Gdansk.

The main objectives of the port development strategy include:

  • to ensure more dynamic development of the port's versatility;
  • to transform the port into the biggest container hub on the Baltic Sea;
  • to include the port in the general strategy aimed at ensuring Poland's energetic security.

This strategy is set to result in a new vision of the port development spreading beyond the current administrative borders - onto the water regions - and in locating the Central Port on the dumping area between the mouth of the Port Canal and the Fuel Base of the Northern Port. Furthermore, a longer-term vision of the port development provides for the left-bank area of the Inner Port to become vacant and put forward for urban development.

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