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Time for implementation of projects under SOP - Transport

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Time for implementation of projects under SOP - Transport

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Time for implementation of projects under SOP - Transport


It took the Port of Gdansk Authority SA much effort to draw up projects put forward for implementation under the Sectoral Operation Programme - Transport and to win the approval thereof. This entails co-financing of these projects from the European Union funds - namely the European Regional Development Fund. These endeavours were eventually crowned with success on April 26 2005, at the Ministry of Infrastructure in Warsaw as Andrzej Kasprzak, President of the Board of the Port of Gdansk Authority SA along with the Minister of Infrastructure, Krzysztof Opawski signed the agreement on co-financing of three projects pertaining to modernization of the port.

Projects submitted for implementation under the Sectoral Operation Programme - Transport are set to bring about substantial improvement of access infrastructure to the port. The project covers access infrastructure to the area of Przemyslowe Quay, expansion of quay and road infrastructure of the Westerplatte Ferry Terminal, as well as approach upgrades to the Gdansk Port Free Zone. Owing to the signed agreement - these projects will receive the co-financing of nearly PLN 80.5 million that makes up 75% of the value of projects. The projects implementation is due to completion by the end of 2007.

Another undertaking that to a great extent will improve the approach to the port is the modernization of Marynarki Polskiej Street, a major road to the left-bank part of the Port, that currently is in catastrophic condition. However, the odds are that this is bound to change before long. On April 26 2005, the City Mayor of Gdansk, Pawel Adamowicz together with the Minister of Infrastructure, Krzysztof Opawski signed an agreement on co-financing the modernization of Marynarki Polskiej Street at the amount of PLN 35  million. This equals some 70% of the cost of the entire scope of work, whilst the donation comes from the very same source as is the case with the Port of Gdansk i.e. from the Sectoral Operation Programme - Transport. The work is due to completion in 2007.

Both the Port of Gdansk Authority SA and the City of Gdansk as final beneficiaries have to provide the remaining financial means from their own resources. For a long time now, the President of the Board of the Port of Gdansk Authority SA, Andrzej Kasprzak and the City Mayor of Gdansk, Pawel Adamowicz attach great importance to the co-operation between the Port and the City. This has been reflected in rendering mutual assistance in terms of implementation and financing of the above-mentioned projects that involve both the Port and the City. Legitimizing the hitherto initiatives in that capacity, as well as the plans pertaining to implementation of projects under the Sectoral Operation Programme - Transport was the agreement between the Port of Gdansk Authority SA and the City of Gdansk signed on April 26 this year by President A. Kasprzak and City Mayor P. Adamowicz, laying down the principles of cooperation. In consideration of the vital importance assigned by the European Union to the issues regarding regions - the cooperation between the Port of Gdansk and the City of Gdansk presents and exemplary model for pursuing such ideas.

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